Travelling this Easter in an electric car

Practical guide from Blink, for charging the car on your journey.

Electrification has been developing rapidly, in recent years, in Greece, with the number of the electric and hybrid cars circulating on Greek roads increasing in 2022 as well.

This year’s Easter trip, will be for many electric car owners, the first out of town drive and properly planning the necessary charges is now an integral part of overall holiday planning.

A key part of the planning is to located, before the trip, the charging points only on the chosen route, but also at the final destination and to the schedule the charging depending on the capacity of the vehicle’s battery.

Blink, one of the world’s leading companies in the field of electric vehicle charging products and services, has the largest urban charging network, with more than 300 charging points. Additionally, drivers over the Easter holidays, can search and locate the nearest Blink charging station, through Google Map app and then charge their vehicle while enjoying their ride or activity or  activity they chose.

The charging time depends on the power of the charging station and on the electric vehicle itself.

Each electric vehicle has a specific charging power capacity, typically from 3.7kW to 22kW for AC charging. Based on the above and depending on the type of battery, the charging time ranges from 15 minutes to 3.5 hours.

In order to calculate charging costs and payment possibilities, before the trip, should be informed about the prices and about the available  payment methods. Blink offers a simple and easy online bill payment option in the Blink Mobile app, which essentially acts a digital wallet where the money is transferred and the charge amount is paid each time to charge the electric vehicle. The payment method is the same for all Blink charging stations, providing drivers with maximum convenience in their journey.

You can download the Blink app, for IOS and Android, here: Through the app you can see all charging points, while these are shown in detail on the map. For every charging point, the exact address of the charger’s location in indicated, providing real time information on the availability of the charging station.

Blink Charging Co. is one of the leading US companies in the field of electric vehicle charging products and services.

In May 2019, Blink announces the entry into Europe’s electric vehicle charging market, starting in Greece, securing European market penetration at a time when EV charging is rapidly developing and the need for charging is becoming imperative.

Blink Charging Hellas focus on the development of the urban charging model, with the main concern being problem-free charging, which takes place as the driver enjoys his daily schedule, without deviating from it.

With Blink you charge your electric vehicle easy and fast, helping at the same time to fight air pollution and reduce the noise levels of urban centers.

Globalsat, as commercial partner of  Blink Charging Hellas, develops the network of Blink charging stations in Greece, through its specialized corporate customer department. The company’s goal  is to contribute to the opening of the market for electric cars, strengthening the confidence of their users and businesses in electric mobility and the availability of recharging points, wherever and whenever they are needed. Globalsat-Teleunicom Group companies is one of the fastest growing companies in the Greek market, in the representation and distribution of technological products and services.


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