Greenvolt Next and Globalsat stood out with their participation in the Renewable EnergyTech Expo

To περίπτερο των 2 εταιρειών στην έκθεση Renewable Energytech.

Forward Green and Renewable EnergyTech: Greenvolt Next and Globalsat stood out, at the leading event for green and smart energy, highlighting innovative solutions for the energy transition of businesses.

Thessaloniki successfully hosted, in the previous days, the event that highlights innovative solutions in the circular economy and renewable energy sources, Forward Green, which this year also incorporated the first Renewable EnergyTech, an international trade fair dedicated exclusively to the market of green and smart energy.

Greenvolt Next, which specializes in the financing and installation of photovoltaic systems for self-production and self-consumption for business customers, made a strong presence for the second year in a row, this time in collaboration with Globalsat, the company that has been developing in recent years also in the field of solutions digital transition for businesses.

The joint stand of the two companies highlighted the full range of solutions for the digital and energy transition of businesses, with Greenvolt Next presenting self-production and self-consumption solutions through photovoltaic systems, as well as those of energy storage, and Globalsat, respectively, presenting presents its e-mobility solutions, solutions related to green energy equipment, as well as its corporate sustainability management solution through the Internet of Things (IoT).

Visitors to the Exhibition had the opportunity to talk with the companies’ specialized executives and look for solutions that answer their own personalized needs, regarding their digital transition and their sustainable development. In addition to the distinct, amphitheater space of the stand, visitors had the opportunity to attend short presentations and explore the advanced solutions and services of the two companies.

The solutions for the energy and digital transition of businesses.

Greenvolt Next presented to the audience of the Exhibition the photovoltaic solutions of self-production and self-consumption, which are the most efficient options, in a period when energy costs deregulate business revenues.

Self-production and self-consumption solutions from Greenvolt Next.

Solar PPA Zero Investment
The Solar PPA – Zero Investment solution is the proposal that differentiates and distinguishes Greenvolt Next in the Greek market, as through this the company reduces its energy costs and its environmental footprint without any investment. Greenvolt Next invests in the business, assuming all costs from the installation of the photovoltaic system, to its operation, its maintenance with the aim of maximizing the production of solar energy, as well as all the risk of the project and investment. The business, with zero investment on its part, focuses on its growth and enjoys all the benefits of the partnership.

Solar EPC – Risk Free
The Solar EPC – Risk Free solution is another comprehensive proposal of Greenvolt Next, through which the company undertakes all the procedures for the licensing, study, design, supply of the equipment, construction and management of the photovoltaic system. The financing of the project is carried out by the client company, while the quality of the installation is ensured by the Greenvolt Next team of experts.

Energy Storage Solutions from Greenvolt Next.

Solar Storage – Own your Energy

The solution combines the installation of a solar energy production unit with an energy storage unit. Based on this solution, the panels collect solar radiation and generate electricity, which can be used directly or stored in batteries.

The Solar Storage – Own your Energy solution is especially important during periods when production exceeds demand and the excess energy is stored in batteries. During periods of low solar radiation or high demand, the stored energy from the batteries is used to meet the energy needs of the business.

E-Motion Solutions, Green Solutions Equipment and Corporate Sustainability Management Solutions from Globalsat.
E-mobility strengthens companies’ balance sheets and supports the transition to sustainable, intelligent mobility. Taking into account the future prospects and developments in the field of electric mobility, Globalsat contributes to the opening of the electric vehicle market, developing the network of Blink electric car charging stations in Greece and providing integrated charging station supply, management and interconnection services to companies, units, who wish to offer a modern provision with an eco-label to their staff.


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