ΙοΤ Solutions
Fleet Magament
With Smart Car Fleet Management, we can have daily control of our fleet on a central server.
Fleet Management features
- Location tracker with POI/Geofences
- Update every 40”about the vehicle’s location
- Real time monitoring of the products’ temperature, in the moving vehicle
- Notifications in case of the drivers door is open
- Updates on the driving behavior a driver has
- Updates in case the vehicle needs service
- Updates in case the vehicle’s engine rises
The group provides IoT services utilizing the capabilities offered by Vodafone Innovus IoT platform.
The platform is designed with the latest technologies, provides high security as well as the ability to manage hundreds of thousands of devices in real time worldwide.

Smart Sensors for Cold Rooms
Smart Sensors for cooling chambers are i digital IoT Solution from Globalsat with many features.
- Monitoring and measuring the temperature of cold rooms in food supply companies, warehouses, etc
- Measure the temperature either inside the refrigerator or outside in real time
- Humidity monitoring and measurement electricity voltage monitoring
- Track where the chamber is located
- Control of the opening frequency of the doors of the cooling chamber
- Demographics of the users

Smart Metering
Smart Meters are installed at points of consumption, in order to monitor their current consumption, without the need for an employee to visit the meter.
The organization through Smart Metering Achieves
- Detailed reporting
- Full energy costs view
- Automation and programming of cooling/heating
Smart Metering Capabilities
- Measurement of energy consumption
- Data logging every 15 minutes
- Send data via 2G/4G to the central platform
- Volt, Ampere, Cosφ
- Data storage for 12 months
- Active and reactive power consumption control in KWh
- User friendly layout

S-PATCH EX diagnosis system
The use of modern “smart” heart rate recording devices is now a global trend.
The S-PATCH EX system is a cost-effective, non-invasive and reliable multi-hour recording solution for monitoring patients presenting with typical and/or atypical arrhythmia symptoms.
- Ergonomically designed patch sensor
- Battery operated, no wires
- Proven improved feel and comfort during long hours of use
- Data analysis on a specially designed clinical platform
- Waterproof design

Globalsat E-Health Service
A complete solution for Patients, Healthcare Providers, Municipalities, Insurance Companies.
The Globalsat e-Health service is a complete solution consisting of a medical instrument kit and the e-application, through which the remote pollination of the doctor with the patient or the health officer is carried out.
Why Globalsat e-Health?
- It is easily adapted to the needs and processes of each client, while also responding to the needs of Healthcare Professionals for timely and reliable clinical information
- It is applied in areas such as: Medical tourism, Sports medicine, Telemetry for chronic diseases, Nutrition monitoring, etc.

IoT solutions complete ecosystem

Globalsat-Teleunicom Group Companies has developed a complete IoT service ecosystem that provides automated, advanced solutions and applications that penetrate in almost every area of the daily life of people, businesses and society as a whole.
Globalsat-Teleunicom’s ecosystem of IoT solutions covers sections such as transportation, building, smart city, retail, agriculture, industry, supply chain, emergency, health, user interaction, culture and tourism, environment and energy.